Is there a HowTo for RadRails on top of Rails on Cygwin?
2007-01-20 20:30:19 UTC
My dev environment is Cygwin on Windows. I am using Ruby, Subversion,
and MySQL (sort of) all on top of Cygwin. I wrote up my installation
experience here some months ago:

This works fabulously. All my shell work is in Cygwin shells. I'm
now using HeidiSQL instead of launching the Windows command prompt when
I need to create new databases.

I'm also using Eclipse w/ RadRails plugin. But I've never really
gotten in to using Rails commands from within RadRails. I'm just using
Eclipse as my IDE, but with nice Ruby & RHTML (ok, really HAML)
coloring, templates/macros.

I've never been able to get debugging going, I'm sure because
Eclipse/RadRails think they're on Windows and not Cygwin. Is there a
HowTo or a write up on how to make this work properly?

I'll happily add it to the RoR wiki and/or post a page to this group
for all to see.


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2007-02-03 10:06:14 UTC
I had an application working flawlessly both online and offline. Now, for
reasons completely unknown and after a character for character check for
errors none of my @variables will load on my offline version using webrick.
I keep getting a nil error message. So I delete the offending @variable and
I will get the next @variable.
What would cause rails to stop recognizing @variables?

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2007-02-03 10:48:33 UTC
Cancel this thread. The .rhtml was being used in the url address causing
this problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: ***@googlegroups.com [mailto:***@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Richard
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 5:06 AM
To: ***@googlegroups.com
Subject: [RadRails] @variables all coming up nil

I had an application working flawlessly both online and offline. Now, for
reasons completely unknown and after a character for character check for
errors none of my @variables will load on my offline version using webrick.
I keep getting a nil error message. So I delete the offending @variable and
I will get the next @variable.
What would cause rails to stop recognizing @variables?

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2007-03-01 18:03:47 UTC
What did you use as your path/to/rails and path/to/rake? No matter
what path I configure RadRails with, (/cygwin/bin/rails or the full
gem path) I continually get the "-e:3:in `load': no such file to load
-- /cygwin/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.2.2/bin/rails (LoadError)"

I assume that this is because Eclipse is using a Windows shell rather
than the posix Cygwin shell to run the rails script.

I know Rails is working properly as I can use it from the Cygwin bash
shell command line to generate a test app and run it. Here is the
output from http://localhost:3000

Ruby version 1.8.5 (i386-cygwin)
RubyGems version 0.9.2
Rails version 1.2.2
Active Record version 1.15.2
Action Pack version 1.13.2
Action Web Service version 1.2.2
Action Mailer version 1.3.2
Active Support version 1.4.1
Application root /cygdrive/c/projects/rails/test
Environment development
Database adapter mysql


My dev environment isCygwinon Windows. I am using Ruby, Subversion,
and MySQL (sort of) all on top ofCygwin. I wrote up my installation
experience here some months ago:http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/RailsonWindowsCygwin
This works fabulously. All my shell work is inCygwinshells. I'm
now using HeidiSQL instead of launching the Windows command prompt when
I need to create new databases.
I'm also using Eclipse w/ RadRails plugin. But I've never really
gotten in to using Rails commands from within RadRails. I'm just using
Eclipse as my IDE, but with nice Ruby & RHTML (ok, really HAML)
coloring, templates/macros.
I've never been able to get debugging going, I'm sure because
Eclipse/RadRails think they're on Windows and notCygwin. Is there a
HowTo or a write up on how to make this work properly?
I'll happily add it to the RoR wiki and/or post a page to this group
for all to see.
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